Anyone know anything about sword makers? - hidden blade toy like altiris to buy as a toy!
I have a Katana, which was manufactured in China, and I'm trying to understand who the manufacturer. I have other swords, which were mainly owned toy, but it is much better. It has a very fine edge and at the same time I recognize that it is not an element of the high dollar is not a toy.
I will do my best to describe it: The leaf is a leaf of corn Muji-No. ... The blade is 28 "long and the entire sword, 39" ... is a trademark of the buffer, consisting of a capital K surrounded in Old English script, and by a sign on the back of a brand China Artisanal BK 1100 times, just above the handle on the edge .... is Yakesume (no turning back ).... The handle is wrapped in the son of the dermis ray handle .... The tsuba is solid, except for a small hole in the side where the sword was stopped a driver and a carved image of the Chinese, his hands folded before him, with a golden girdle. The sword has a scabbard, which seems to coincide mohagany and wrapped in leather band and strings.
I had the money for a family member, and took this sword as part payment of $ 150.
I spent some time searching the Internet and had no luck at all maker.Can help in identifying person 's?
Bart is right, I think.
What you describe is the Bud logo K.
Sure would be nice if this was not true.
The link below is not your problem, but it shows the logo of the Bud K ... a capital K in calligraphy in English on a sign.
I'm not trying to be a reflex (which is only a matter of course), but if the logo on your page, $ 150 and it was a fraud.
Bud K is lower-quality products. Crappy electronic circuits are printed on handmade in China. This does not mean that the quality is good, you know? Just 'Made in China ", with his hand." Most of the products manufactured in China, which are expected to be part of a machining process can be effectively carried out by a group of poor Chinese hand. Congratulations on your sword was probably in a garage, a minimum soil quality virgin steel.
If you said your CV "stainless" is a form of response. "Steel Sheet in real terms" are not stainless.
So: The Chinese are known for the swords of high quality steel. The Katana is basedin a Chinese sword. China Steel was the best for a while. Only for a short time as the Japanese katana was the best of the vessel. Prior to that date were to be repaired at best. More than a veteran of the Second World War has shifted from Japan with a Katana "true" is returned, in fact a fake leaf oil to an agent of the gay-Jin much, much more than worth it sells.
Some of the best low-cost, commonly available from a man named swords are Paul Chen and his students. It is now considered one of the few people who have swords in the traditional way to continue to be recognized, and art to teach.
Now this does not mean you can not a piece of a private good craftsmen. Of course.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that K has a bud in her hand. Check the logo on this link. I apologize. I know it is bad news.
It could be (and) hope I am wrong. But here's the link goes anyway.
EDIT: to be pressed to buy Yes, for all the swords for $ 150 and not folded. For me, $ 1,500 for an inclinationSword sounds like a bargain. As far as I know (my information is not exhaustive) and Chen Hanwei swords are as good quality at that sales volumes.
This is the falsification of Long Chuan province of Fujian.
They were the weapons of 2600 years.
Their weapons range from the practical experience of the leaves.
NWOhio is the far right of the leaves that come from there.
Withdrawal was handmade swords, but only on request.
ALL Japanese swords made in China = FAKE! It is not worth shit! You can imagine your time, that it is false Japanese swords, and I'm wasting time mah answer questions such as Bud dumbass!
Try the Victoria & Albert Museum in London has a good selection of oriental swords there.
unless you have signed in the name of the handle, will not say in the situation.
and if you do not know how to use them then do
It is a sword Bud K
Edit: Please do not be angry with me, okay, buddy. I make a suggestion here. If not, it is not. No problem there? You said you said a K with a shield and on the other hand, China crafts BK1100 "
I just checked a sword Bud K and that is exactly what I see on the sheet. But is not for you, try a Bud K. ....
All the swords symbol K from Longquan Zheng Wu forge weapons institute based in China forged. The Forge manufactures various types of swords will be sold under various brands. Budka is a leading importer of the forge and the sale of a large number of swords symbol K, but there are many more of these distributors, as well as swords. The BK1100 is the model number of the sword, which is sold mainly through Swordmaster Budka and wholesale ... But none of these companies make the swords. I visited in Longgu forge and is a really good place ... but remember that most swords are forged by hand only ... not folded, what it means to be manufactured in a factory, press, then tempered and polished by hand.
Edition - Paul Chen Swords makes very few, curved hands. Pressure is used less for their swords. When you have had one or Chen Hanwei Sword buy for less than $ 1500 folded by hand, but just another weapon in his hand.
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