How much does hemmorhoid removal surgery cost? - hemorrhoid surgery cost
I had a hemorrhoid for two years. It will not disappear on their own work and no treatment at home. I'm on Medicaid now and pay nothing. But I'm starting to Cruz Azul in January.
Hemmorhoid who is inside, outside. I know that if I will be a proctologist in January that lets me know how it is, but I need to know if I should start saving money like crazy right now, or if anything I will pay 'm a small fee.
Thank you.
You can send a minimum amount of health care to see on the Internet, for example, here - Health
Some natural treatment of hemorrhoids
Japanese Pagoda Tree This tree is an excerpt of the best natural supplement for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Clinical studies show that this herbal extract successfully eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids with a success rate. The help normalize the permeability of the capillaries and veins and strengthen the vein walls. They provide the nutrients needed for optimal health vein.
The chestnut This extract is said, the ability to improve circulation and strengthen connective tissue and the tone of the vein have.
Rusco as a natural vasoconstrictor with anti-inflammatory and has the ability to strengthen and tone veins.
Apart from these natural treatments with herbal hemorrhoids is to a certain extent, you can take at home.
1. Apply ice compresses to the affected areas.
2. Bath, a small tub and is specially designed to take the soaking of hemorrhoids without a bath. In this process the rectal area in warm water for 15-20 minutes 3-4 tons impregnatedEMI day. This not only helps relieve symptoms of AIDS, but also the shrinking of the hemorrhoids.
3. Buy a donut pincushion. They are useful in pharmacies and medical supply stores and can be available for people with hemorrhoids. Try to sit in the owner's manual.
4. Try normal bowel habits adopted. Do not burden your self during defecation. Hold your breath goes into the intestine. Turn down the toilet and you're done.
5. Drink lots of water, which the bowel movements soft.
6. Eating fruits and vegetables and fibrous foods.
You can try this treatment before surgery. Visit ... learn more about hemorrhoids cures and treatments.
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